Assur's importance as a trading center declined in the 19th century BC, perhaps chiefly because of increasing conflict between states and rulers of the ancient Near East leading to a general decrease in trade. The Achaemenid kings interfered little with the internal affairs of their individual provinces as long as tribute and taxes were continuously provided, which allowed Assyrian culture and customs to survive under Persian rule. Ahuni's forces broke through across the Khabur and Euphrates several times and it was only after years of war that he at last accepted Ashurnasirpal as his suzerain. Slovio, He incorporated the city into a sizable amount of territory that he already controlled in what is now Iraq and Syria. [250] Several Kurdish tribes assaulted and massacred Assyrian refugee caravans. [261] On 1 July 1915, the village of Tell-Ermen, with a substantial Assyrian population, was invaded by Kurdish tribesmen. "5Z!nEl^^7EFdpqO!X-?8Y:?[=?~tky]U5ZO-. For instance, the main god worshipped at Hatra was the old Mesopotamian sun-god Shamash. Due to the amount of swear words submitted, we've broken the dictionary down by letter. Under the 13th-century BC warrior-kings Adad-nirari I, Shalmaneser I and Tukulti-Ninurta I, the Middle Assyrian Empire became one of the great powers of the ancient Near East, for a time even occupying Babylonia in the south. [75] Enlil-nirari's reign was the beginning of the historical enmity between Assyria and Babylonia after Kurigalzu II, a king the Assyrians had helped gain the Babylonian throne, attacked Assyria. Classical Syriac equivalent is a neologism. Owen has a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism degree from Ryerson University. Meaning differs depending on the speaker, dialect and/or context. spoken in Iraq, Syria, south east Turkey and north west Iran. [154] After Ashurbanipal's death in 631 BC, the Neo-Assyrian Empire quickly collapsed. The situation for the Assyrians and other Christians deteriorated even further under Ghazan's brother and successor, ljait (r. Assyrian Scribes, Panel of Sennacherib (704-681 BC) Nineveh, northern Iraq. By 1410, there were only seven bishops in the Church of the East, a number down from the 24 bishops in 1238 and the 68 bishops in 1000. [136] Sennacherib defeated Nergal-ushezib a few months later, but Mushezib-Marduk seized Babylon in late 693 BC and continued the struggle. Additional resources. [54] In the 18th century BC, Shamshi-Adad's kingdom became surrounded by competing large states, particularly the southern kingdoms of Larsa, Babylon and Eshnunna and the western kingdoms of Yamhad and Qatna. [118] Though successful, Shalmaneser's conquests had been very quick and had not been fully consolidated by the time of his death. , That's about all the assyrian related words we've got! Yazghulami, [260] On 2 July 600 Assyrians were slaughtered outside the city walls. Dungan, Harari, Krymchak, (2002). In the early 14th century there was a thriving small Assyrian community in the Kingdom of Cyprus. boota wahish. There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. [115] Though no longer the political capital, Assur remained the ceremonial and religious center of Assyria. So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. When people get angry, they often swear. [182], Though tradition holds that Christianity was first spread to Mesopotamia by Thomas the Apostle,[185] the exact timespan when the Assyrians were first Christianized is unknown. Himyaritic, Altay, Many of his campaigns were farther from the Assyrian heartland than those of any previous king. After his death, it collapsed and the kingdoms of Ekallatum, Eshnunna and Babylon all controlled Assur at some point during the period of about 1775 B.C. [285] Though some disagreement exists within the Chaldean community,[239] both Assyrians and Chaldeans have for the most part agreed that it is an indisputable fact that they are the same people. Kryts, Despite the efforts of the Patriarch of the East, Yahballaha III, to calm the situation down, the insurrection was violently suppressed by the Kurds and the local Mongol governor, who captured the citadel on 1 July 1310 and massacred all the defenders, as well as all of the Christian inhabitants of the lower town in the city. [18] There is no evidence that early Assur was an independent settlement,[17] and it might not have been called Assur at all initially, but rather Baltil or Baltila, used in later times to refer to the city's oldest portion. [20], Early Assur was probably a local religious and tribal center and must have been a town of some size since it had monumental temples. The late 19th century and early 20th century were marked by further persecution and massacres, most notably the Sayfo (Assyrian genocide) of the Ottoman Empire in the 1910s, which resulted in the deaths of as many as 250,000 Assyrians. Victims, regardless of age or gender, were decapitated, hacked to death and drawn and quartered. [4] Bznnokh. [14] Though the sites of some nearby cities that would later be incorporated into the Assyrian heartland, such as Nineveh, are known to have been inhabited since the Neolithic,[15] the earliest archaeological evidence from Assur dates to the Early Dynastic Period, c. 2600 BC,[16] a time in which the surrounding region was already relatively urbanized. [45] Over 22,000 Assyrian cuneiform clay tablets have been found at the site. [175] Under Parthian suzerainty, several small and semi-independent kingdoms of Assyrian character and large Assyrian populations cropped up in the former Assyrian heartland, including Osroene, Adiabene and Hatra. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'omniglot_com-box-3','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-box-3-0'); Learn languages for free on Duolingo [77] As a result of Shalmaneser's victory in the campaign, the Mitanni capital of Washukanni was sacked[81] and the Mitanni lands were formally annexed into the Assyrian Empire. After the death of Hadadezer in 841 BC, Shalmaneser managed to incorporate some further western territories. This slang word is used for a woman who is malicious, aggressive, or dominating. Unlike Ashurnasirpal's project at Nimrud, Sargon was not simply expanding an existing, albeit ruined, site but building a new settlement from scratch. 11. [164] There were however significant developments in Assyria during this time. Assyrian language: Past and Present. The Academy of Gondishapur in southern Mesopotamia, founded by Assyrians from Nisibis in the north, continued to operate and produce skilled Christian physicians under Muslim rule, many of whom were employed by the caliphs. Punic, is less common but stings a . The Assyrians conquered Babylon during the reign of Tukulti-Ninurta I (1243 B.C. came to power at Assur and claimed independence from Mitanni, Stefan Jacob, a researcher at Heidelberg University in Germany, wrote in a paper that was also published in "A Companion to Assyria." [213] Under Muslim rule, the province or region containing the ancient Assyrian heartland was called al-Jazira, meaning "the island", in reference to the land between the Euphrates and Tigris. The Assyrians continued to constitute a significant portion of the population in northern Mesopotamia until suppression and massacres under the Ilkhanate and the Timurid Empire in the 14th century. Jewish Neo-Aramaic, Akhvakh, The population of Southern Mesopotamia was however during this time also largely made up of Aramaic-speaking Christians. [172] The organization of Assyria into the single administrative unit Athura effectively kept the region on the map as a distinct political entity throughout the time of Achaemenid rule. [106] Though control was lost over most of the Assyrian Empire, the Assyrian heartland remained safe and intact, protected by its geographical remoteness. Below is a list of loanwords in Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, separated into sections based on the source language. [115] Making use of this opportunity, Ashurnasirpal in his ninth campaign marched to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, collecting tribute from various kingdoms on the way. The empire, and Assyria as a state, came to an end in the late 7th century BC as a result of the Medo-Babylonian conquest of the Assyrian Empire. Most prominently, the vassal states in the Levant stopped paying tribute to Sennacherib and Marduk-apla-iddina retook Babylon with the aid of the Elamites. At the start of this period, Assur-uballit I (who reigned from around 1363 B.C. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, [86] Assyrian control over Babylonia was quite indirect,[86] ruling through appointing vassal kings such as Adad-shuma-iddina. - "Go to Hell!". [3] Depending on the dialect, Arabic loanwords are also reasonably present. If you're looking for names related to assyrian (e.g. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with assyrian, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. Khanty, By the time of his death in 727 BC, Tiglath-Pileser had more than doubled the territory of the empire. [211][212] Certain Syriac Christian authors viewed the Muslim Conquest as a positive development and as a part of the struggle between the eastern churches and the Chalcedonians. [220] In the tenth century, there was a decisive religious shift in the religion among the populations under Muslim rule; before 850, Muslims had often been an elite minority, making up on average less than 20% of the population, but after 950 they were the majority and accounted for more than 60%. [95] The decline of the Middle Assyrian Empire broadly coincided with the Late Bronze Age collapse, a time when the ancient Near East experienced monumental geopolitical changes; within a single generation, the Hittite Empire and the Kassite dynasty of Babylon had fallen, and Egypt had been severely weakened through losing its lands in the Levant. [2], Unlike other Neo-Aramaic languages, Assyrian has an extensive number of latterly introduced Iranian loanwords. launched a major attack on Nineveh, which the Assyrian king Sinsharishkun (reign ca. 240. Arabic (Lebanese), Crimean Tatar, Adobe d C Ashur-nasir-pal II was king of Assyria from 883 B.C. Kildin Smi, Arabic (Gulf), The history of the Assyrians encompasses nearly five millennia, covering the history of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Assyria, including its territory, culture and people, as well as the later history of the Assyrian people after the fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire in 609 BC. Maltese, The city of Arbela was an important early Christian center. Abkhaz, [254] Thousands of Assyrians were also murdered in the Hamidian massacres (18941897) and in the Adana massacre (1909), which were otherwise mainly directed towards Armenians. Aramaic, Yukaghir (Southern / Kolyma), conquered Mitanni, taking over a kingdom that had ruled Assyria a century earlier. Son of a b*tch A versatile word that can be used internally like the word 'damn' or 'shit' but can also be used to describe someone who tossed one over you. The Lakhas brothers were noted as extremely wealthy, often providing gifts to King Peter I of Cyprus and his court, though they fell into poverty after the Republic of Genoa invaded the island in 1373. Wakhi, "The Neo-Assyrian Period (ca. Generally, the Assyrians in the former Assyrian heartland were often exposed to cultural influences from Iran, whereas the Assyrians in the west, often today self-identifying as Syriacs, have been exposed to cultural influences from Greece. [3] Depending on the dialect, Arabic loanwords are also reasonably present. The Parthians oversaw an intense resettlement and rebuilding of the region. swear meaning: 1. to use words that are rude or offensive as a way of emphasizing what you mean or as a way of. Episcopal sees had been established as far from Mesopotamia as Uzbekistan, India and China. [243] Already in 1450, Patriarch Shemon IV, already controversial for making his office hereditary,[237] began appointing his family members to church offices. A Babylonian inscription said the fight for Nineveh went on for a few months. 1. [90] Eventually Babylonia fell out of Tukulti-Ninurta's grasp. in parts of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria, and among the Assyrian [252] Most frequent and wide-ranging were persecutions by the Ottoman Empire and by various Kurdish groups. The time period from the late 10thcentury B.C. Juhuri, At some point after 656 BC, the empire lost control of Egypt, which instead fell into the hands of the pharaoh Psamtik I, founder of Egypt's twenty-sixth dynasty,[154] originally appointed as a vassal by Ashurbanipal. This issue several times led to persecutions and massacres directed at the Turkish inhabitants of the captured cities also strongly affecting the local Christians. Urum, [95] Modern researchers tend to varyingly ascribe the Bronze Age collapse to large-scale migrations, invasions by the mysterious Sea Peoples, new warfare technology and its effects, starvation, epidemics, climate change and an unsustainable exploitation of the working population. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Veps, Hadhramautic, a !1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdEt6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw(8HXhx )9IYiy [210] Though the new caliphate did not officially persecute its Christian subjects, and even offered freedom of worship and a certain extent of self-administration, there were many local Muslim administrators who acted against the Christians, and as non-Muslims conquered through jihad, Christians such as the Assyrians had a choice between conversion to Islam, death, slavery or relegation to dhimmi, paying a special tax (jizya) to live under protected status. The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. Lands conquered under Ashurnasirpal were consolidated and divided into further provinces and Shalmaneser's campaigns were also more wide-ranging than those of his predecessors. Though several Assyrian military units were formed in response to the ISIL incursion, including the Khabour Guards, Sootoro and the Nineveh Plain Protection Units, they remain smaller than many other units in the region, such as the mainly-Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) and Peshmerga. [237] This title was centuries later (1828)[242] changed to "Patriarch of the Chaldeans". predate Shem by thousands of years, thus predating the term Semitic itself. Several peripheral regions of the empire also revolted and regained their independence. Phoenician, The use of this style asserted that the actual king of the city was the Assyrian national deity Ashur and that the Assyrian ruler was merely his representative on Earth. Some Assyrians and Yazidis have advocated the idea that they are the same people, separated only by religion and culture, and have championed the inclusion of the Yazidis in the "Assyrian nation". [118], From the late reign of Shalmaneser III onwards, the Neo-Assyrian Empire entered into what scholars call the "age of the magnates", when powerful officials and generals were the principal wielders of political power, rather than the king. Ultimately from Ancient Greek, Also borrowed into Classical Syriac. Assyrian / Neo-Assyrian is usually written in the madnhy Tat, as Assyrian Neo-Aramaic. Assyrian / Neo-Assyrian, Though the population of Assyrians in Iraq had risen to as many as over 1 million since the Sayfo, estimates suggest that it again fell to 300,000400,000 between 19611991 as the result of mass emigrations. Orok, There were also many Christians who rose to other high offices as scribes, accountants and teachers. [271][257] The ADM was established chiefly in response to the Iraqi government in its 1977 census refusing to acknowledge the existence of the Assyrian people, forcing Assyrians to register as either Arabs or Kurds. The horned cap attests to its divinity, and the belt signifies its power. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), Information about Assyrian / Neo-Assyrian [272][273] Just one year after Iraq became fully independent from the British, the military and local tribesmen in August 1933 carried out the Simele massacre which targeted Assyrian villages. [78] Adad-nirari early in his reign defeated Shattuara I of Mitanni and forced him to pay tribute to Assyria as a vassal ruler. [229], The period of freedom experienced by the Assyrians and other Christians came to an end when the Ilkhan Ghazan (r.12951304) converted to Islam in 1295 and as one of his first acts as ruler ordered that all Buddhist temples, Jewish synagogues and Christian churches in his domain were to be destroyed. to 859 B.C. The success and survival of his own realm chiefly relied on his personal strength and charisma. Key to abbreviations: m = said to men; f = said to women; pl = plural (said to more than Myouqra/Myouqarta: Gentleman, Sir, Mister / Lady, Madam, Miss or Mrs. [159] Though the prince Ashur-uballit II, possibly Sinsharishkun's son, attempted to lead the resistance against the Medes and Babylonians from Harran in the west,[160] he was defeated in 609 BC, marking the end of the ancient line of Assyrian kings and of Assyria as a state. [168] Though Assyrians from both Athura and Media joined forces in an unsuccessful revolt against the Achaemenid king Darius the Great in 520 BC,[170] relations with the Achaemenid rulers were otherwise relatively peaceful. Daur, On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Old Church Slavonic, The four categories allocated to the words were 'mild', 'medium', 'strong', and 'strongest'. Kurigalzu's betrayal resulted in deep trauma and was still referenced in Assyrian writings concerning Babylonia more than a century later. Common one-word swears in English: Very mild: d*mn, b*lls Mild: cr*p Moderate: sh*t, *ss Strong: f**k, *sshole Religious: h*ll, god, Jesus, Christ In closing, let me just say that swear words in English are not all that common, even if they do seem to be common in American movies and television. Tindi, [233], Some small communities of Assyrians thrived outside of Mongol control. [69], Ashur-uballit I was the first native Assyrian ruler to claim the royal title ar ("king"). In the "border clearings" of 19741978, many northern villages were destroyed, with thousands of families relocated in a forced urbanization campaign. The church officials of the Church of the East meanwhile grew rich and corrupt, something admitted even by several contemporary Christian writers, and spent most of their time in squabbles against officials from rival churches, such as the Syriac Orthodox Church and the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. Though Shalmaneser fought them at the Battle of Qarqar in the same year, the battle appears to have been indecisive. People who swear often are said to be "talking like a sailor", but Jay says every community has their own set of taboo words, "whether they're waitresses or rugby players". Kumandy, These are also called bad words, obscenities, expletives, dirty words, profanities, and four-letter words. In 1993, the ADM member of the parliament, Francis Yusef Chabo, was murdered in Dohuk. Hunzib, [38] The fourth king of the dynasty, Erishum I (r.c. 19741934 BC), is the earliest king whose length of reign is recorded in the Assyrian King List, a later document recording the kings of Assyria and their reigns. If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. [179] Assur itself flourished under Parthian rule, with a large amount of buildings being either repaired or constructed from scratch. [107] Assyria was not the only realm fragmented during this period, which meant that the fragmented territories now surrounding the Assyrian heartland in time proved to be easy conquests for the Assyrian army. to 1207 B.C.) [143] Through a well-developed network of spies and informants, Esarhaddon uncovered all of these coup attempts and in 670 BC had a large number of high-ranking officials put to death. Akkala Smi, Thanks to your submissions our bad word list has grown bigger than we ever thought it would. Yakut, It literally means "my penis in you." 5) Telhas Teeze Pronounced as: TEL-HAS TEE-ZEE [57] It is clear from surviving records that the geopolitical situation in northern Mesopotamia was highly volatile, with frequent shifts in power. The influence of Modern Persian on the Srd:rd dialect, Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies, XIII:65-68. Rusyn, Bloody hell - Advertisement - It is an expression of anger and annoyance. [145] Despite his successes, Esarhaddon faced numerous conspiracies against his rule,[145] perhaps because the king suffering from illness could be seen as the gods withdrawing their divine support for his rule. The territory the Assyrians controlled was vast, stretching from southern Iraq to the Mediterranean coast at the civilization's height in the seventh century B.C. Festschrift fr Otto Jastrow zum 60 Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, 489-502. [252] Under Shimun's spiritual leadership, the Assyrians took up arms against the Ottoman government and joined the side of the British in the war as the Assyrian volunteers. Budukh, The better term for Assyrian political parties partook in the first 1992 Kurdistan Region parliamentary election, wherein some seats had been reserved for the Assyrian community. [66] Assur retained some autonomy under the Mitanni kings, as Assyrian kings during this time are attested as commissioning building projects, trading with Egypt and signing boundary agreements with the Kassites in Babylon. Because many of the Mongol generals were Christians, Christians in conquered cities were often spared violence whereas Muslims were slaughtered. The Assyrian kings also relied increasingly on eunuchs, or men who had been castrated. Amharic, In that case, here is a list of swear words for when you're feeling a bit more inspired. These kingdoms lasted until the 3rd or 4th centuries AD, though they were mostly ruled by dynasties of Iranian or Arab, not Assyrian, descent and culture. Due to the Aramean tactics of avoiding open battle and instead attacking the Assyrians in numerous minor skirmishes, the Assyrian army could in conflict with them not take advantage of their technical and numerical superiority. Thankful, Sinharib then converts to Christianity and founds an important monastery near Mosul, called Deir Mar Mattai. Colonizations of the Assyrian homeland by the Ottoman, British and various local powers led to several massacres and deportations, particularly around the time of World War I. [72] Ashur-uballit mainly warred against small states in the southern vicinity of the Assyrian heartland. Have a nice day! [248] Despite the atrocities that would be committed by the increasingly nationalist Turkish collapsing Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries, the early centuries of Ottoman rule thus provided opportunities for cultural flourishing and political influence. A thriving small Assyrian community in the early 14th century There was a thriving small Assyrian community in Kingdom. Territory of the empire also revolted and regained their independence sizable amount of territory that already! Babylonian inscription said the fight for Nineveh went on for a few months but Mushezib-Marduk seized Babylon late... Neo-Assyrian empire quickly collapsed heartland than those of any previous king from 883 B.C, Altay many! The village of Tell-Ermen, with a large amount of territory that He already controlled in what is Iraq... Shalmaneser fought them at the start of this period, Assur-uballit I ( r.c the vassal states the! 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