This means that there are certain socioeconomic and demographic factors that influence the farmers awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use. Sulphur fungicides produce enough vapour to hinder fungal spore formation at a distance from the deposition site. They affect the underlying infection and have a systemic effect. 0000010900 00000 n Household size was significant at 5% and positively related to output. The consequences of continuing to desecrate or beginning to restore water's inner grace are tremendousand will reflect as much on us as . agrochemical use among its members, as the organization's primary concern is to protect human health. Agrochemicals are chemicals (pesticides and fertilizers) used to boost agricultural production.1,2 They are used as soil conditioners, acidifiers, nutrients and are also used to control diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, pests and viruses, enhancing agricultural productivity and safety. Agrochemical use in the Philippines and its consequences to the environment 1 Agriculture has been the traditional backbone of the Philippines' economy and farming is still by far the most common form of employment in the country. The assertion by Owusu-Boateng and Amuzu [6] that many farmers in Ghana do not have adequate knowledge and information on the health hazards associated with handling and use of pesticides is empirically confirmed by this research. P. Cocco, G. Satta, S. Dubois et al., Lymphoma risk and occupational exposure to pesticides: results of the epilymph study, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. It encompasses fertilizers, pesticides (weedicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides), and plant regulators. Misuse or excess use of fertilizers. Agrichemical products can help to improve crop quality, improve soil, control pests and hazardous organisms, and promote crop protection. The estimated coefficients from an ordered logit model are difficult to interpret because they are in units of log-odds and for easy interpretation, marginal effects associated with each category were generated as shown in Table 6. 1, 2009. Based on the findings of this study, four policy recommendations are relatable. There are concerns about the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals with nonadherence of safety precautions of agrochemical use by maize farmers in Ghana (including Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality). The full implementation of the provisions of the act is done by EPA with the help of Ghana Ports and Harbors authority (GPHA), Customs Exercise and Preventive Service (CEPS), Ghana Standards Board (GSB), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), and Factory Inspectorate Department of Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare. For the development of new agrochemicals, our products, and new technology contribute to increased labor efficiency and safety. Of these plantain farmers, over 97% used the insecticide chlorpyrifos, and 84% applied nematicides, 64% herbicides, and 22% fungicides, with only 31% of participants reporting the use of some type of protective clothing during application. It suffocates crop growth by absorbing all minerals, water, and nutrients available to the plant. Hardcover. This explanatory variable is found to be significant at 10%. Past training and present knowledge: Agrochemical dealers were asked to state what training they had received previously (double entries were accepted. The study assessed farmers knowledge in the use of Agrochemicals given their environmental effects such as on water bodies, occupational hazard and safety, disposal, and storage regarding product use. On farms, proper storage facilities and labeling, emergency clean-up equipment and procedures, and safety equipment and procedures for handling, application and disposal are often subject to mandatory standards and regulations. Although accidents and emergencies involving pesticides are rare, unfortunately they do occur. Agricultural pesticides have made it possible to increase production in crop and livestock enterprises in Africa. Ejura-Sekyedumase District Assembly, District Information, The study confirmed the findings of Fianko et al. Protectant fungicides are preventive in nature and are only effective if applied before to fungal infection, hence the name. 8, pp. 0000004876 00000 n Agrochemicals can help a farmer achieve his or her goal of growing specific plant species while also eradicating weeds and other detrimental elements that deplete farming resources and reduce the quality of produce. Government-issued permits for purchase and use of approved agrichemicals may be required. Since the era of the Green Revolution, Agricultural production worldwide experienced much efficiency with a remarkable aim to eradicate threats of food insecurity. 0000007878 00000 n 253260, 2009. We may be exposed in our homes through misuse or by accidents, and be contaminated by consumer products including food. Understanding the problem of pesticide misuse in the Third World requires analysis of both political-economic forces and local-level variations in peasant behavior and attitudes. Other studies have also found a . Moreover, our results reveal that compared with small-scale farmers, crop insurance has a stronger effect on large-scale farmers' use of agrochemicals. And although other chemicals lethal to snails exist, their practical usage is minimal. Prominent among these binary choice models are linear probability model (LPM), binary probit, and binary logit models. Education years were hypothesized to be positively related to maize output. Juxtaposing these findings on the summary statistics of continuous variables shown in Table 4, it is clear that an average number of annual extension visits of 0.416 are too low to actually provide enough information on awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use. The misuse of agrochemicals in coffee production is a reality. Out of 154 respondents, 13% of the responded indicated that they wash the spraying machine in water bodies like rivers and streams. 5, article no. In terms of the dependent variable, agrochemical use, the response group is very similar to Italian olive farmers in general; their use of agrochemicals and changes over the last 15 years are very comparable (see Section 4). Agrochemicals are counted among speciality chemicals. In the literature of econometric modeling, many researchers have used binary choice models to analyze the determinants of technology adoption, perception, and awareness of certain issues. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Table 6 shows the results of the multiple linear regression model. Pesticide misuse is often easy to spot. Wettable powders, soluble concentrates, suspendable concentrates, emulsifiable concentrates, wettable dry granules, and soluble powders are all examples of insecticides. Although they are used in small quantities by farmers who own small exploitation, the frequency of their use, as well as overuses and misuses . 188230, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2014. The average awareness score of farmers interviewed was 58% indicating that maize farmers in the study area are moderately aware of agrochemical usage and its health implications. Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, soil conditioners, algaecides, and other agrochemicals are examples. . The reason could be that farmers who are educated can read and understand labels on agrochemical containers and adhere to safety standards. Overall, I observed a lot of grammatical and typographical errors, misuse of words and punctuations as well as several sentences that need to be recast/reviewed. Theoretically, the probability of farmers in the various levels of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use is indicated in (4). It could also be as a result of resource constraint which hinders the provision of right quantities of agrochemicals and the accompanied protective gears. The user is legally responsible for any damage due to misuse of pesticides. From the theoretical ordered logit model, the empirical ordered logit model that was used to analyze the determinants of level of health implications of agrochemical use is given by. D. Horna, M. Smale, M. Al-Hassan, R. J. Falck-Zepeda, and S. E. Timpo, Insecticides use on vegetables in ghana: would GM seed benefit farmers? IFPRI Discussion Paper 007855, 2008. Healthy, environmentally friendly lawn and landscape practices can reduce erosion, stream sedimentation, flooding, and runoff of pollutants into local waterways as well as risk of pesticide exposure to children, adults, pets, and wildlife. Take time to observe the surrounding area. 9C>|:FX[w>k,WZ1OSg:FY z#Fzd)5JKB)pX#-+fqQsT&J5[}D}"F(bXp.WP-UOd z OYHl$OQvGX{J[Q{}W{ F:TKdpSTzD'Ak(=:>J(x:MSOjV#mmx?||&HP[RT3~h6Ch+ 8 D. Awunyo-Vitor, J. Bakan, and S. Coffie, Estimation of farm level technical efficiency of small-scale Cowpea production in Ghana, American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science, vol. Fungicides made from synthetic chemicals can help prevent the spread and growth of these fungi, as well as improve production for higher and healthier yields. The major source of environmental contamination by pesticides Excessive fertilizer . Agrochemical pollution of waterways, as a result of widespread use of insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, can alter the transmission of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis, according to a recent study from the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), partly funded by the NIH Fogarty International Center and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The result shows that the minimum age of the respondents was 20 years and the maximum was 76 years with the mean and standard deviation of 40.5 years and 13.2 years, respectively. This could be as a result of the household members working on the farmer as a source of labor and timely access to labor. It may also include hormones and other chemical growth agents.[1][2]. Sumerians from 4500 years ago have said to use insecticides in the form of sulfur compounds. Meanwhile, the achievable targets have not been reached. Among the arable crops in Ghana, cereals are the most widely cultivated and consumed category. 0000008655 00000 n The Illinois Department of Agriculture receives about 120 pesticide misuse complaints a year. 3, no. Site Management b) Overuse of this may kill bacteria and other organisms that are beneficial to the soil. 80]kms>.tIk6O)@3 Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in spillage. The theory of production is used to analyze and quantify the effects of conventional and nonconventional input use on maize output. This difference could be as a result of increasing use of labor saving machines, technologies, and external inputs for increasing maize productivity. v 8IA2L%b b @HJ@g@ 0000005310 00000 n Farm size was shown to be significant at 1%. [7] that less than half of cocoa farmers (35%) in Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana put on full PPE (costume) during pesticide application. H. Kuranchie-Mensah, P. O. Yeboah, E. Nyarko, and A. Fungicides are toxic compounds or insecticides that kill or prevent fungus and their spores from growing. A. Golow, Studies on organochlorine pesticide residue in fishes from the Densu River Basin, Ghana, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. As a result, choosing the proper disperant is crucial for a successful formulation. [7], inappropriate use of pesticides to control pests and diseases has major health implications for smallholder farmers and this is now on the global scale attracting global attention of researchers, policy-makers, and the general public (consumers). Utility is defined as the satisfaction that one derives from consuming a good. Extent of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. We randomly selected four communities from the list of maize producing communities within the municipality. 333341, 2012. On the average, the number of extension visits was 0.416 times per year, which indicates poor extension services in the study area. This means that if a farmer moves from low to moderate levels of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use, his or her maize output will increase by 309kg (3.09 bags) per acre. Click to explore. But the new pesticides seemed rather safe, especially compared to the forms of arsenic that had killed people in the 1920s and 1930s 12. 5. Never transport pesticides in a closed passenger vehicle or in a . Almost all pesticides have the potential to have a significant influence on ecosystems; many are toxic to humans and/or animals, and some concentrate as they rise up the food chain. Farmers are highly motivated to using these strategies due to the emphasis placed by most agricultural development policies in Ghana which suggest the use of external inputs such as machinery and agrochemicals as the panacea to increasing food productivity. Contact -Its main aim is to kill insects when used on a single target.Because they must strike the insect directly, most domestic insect sprays work like contact insecticides. Introduction. However, agricultural production is fraught with abuse, misuse, and overuse of these chemicals [12]. Agrochemicals are the result of modern technology that depends on inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Participants had attended 1053 training courses in . Our objective was to integrate a rapid rural appraisal of indigenous farmer pesticide application practices and pest knowledge with a cost-benefit analysis of plantain production in the Bribri-Cabcar Indigenous Territories, for the development of better agricultural management practices and improved regulatory infrastructure. "In recent years, the Chinese government has made . 86, no. The significant differences in the cutoff points indicate that the three categories statistically and significantly differ and hence all the three categories should be included in the model. Using various pesticide products at the same time might improve or decrease their effectiveness. Home Without the usage of pesticides and chemical fertilisers, hazardous organisms would continue to thrive and adapt at an accelerated rate, posing a major threat to agricultural produce. K. A. Asante and J. W. Ntow, Status of environmental contamination in Ghana, the perspective of a research scientist, in Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry-Environmental Research in Asia, Y. Obayashi, T. Isobe, A. Subramanian, S. Suzuki, and S. Tanabe, Eds., pp. 115 25 Bangladeshi poor and untrained farmers apply the agrochemicals massively for getting rapid and huge returns from their shared lands causing incurable risks for the ecosystem and human health. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics are key factors leading to antibiotic resistance. startxref They can assist in managing the biotic and abiotic variables that affect produce production. The amino acid and protein synthesis of herbs and weeds are interrupted, and they are finally killed. 13, pp. 0000055893 00000 n This could be that large-scale farmers do not apply pesticides by themselves regularly and usually get this job done by hired labor. uPBa;J[/}wB.ya?w y%+o'mTm,VK *Hg"`LA$)vJX$;KoDOetd4 D;)YO$z,Z8^b>&C'0_O9LP jf x-Wna6$EzoR+r~$wyP ]/yNC;U_Lo`Ju|=aXqK1VzO L_@)m>?FaGA~Z+ Q,]c}e"SEe."uyIU0Kgmh2-Z[Z`XgB./wKP)ASkB{WIYIVpm?! Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It is, therefore, important to know the limiting factors to farmers awareness of health risks associated with agrochemical use. Rice blast, for example, is a major threat to rice production stability. Agrochemicals were introduced to protect crops from pests and enhance crop yields. In most cases, the inspector will interview the complainant and inspect the site. 2020, Elixir Agriculture 138 (2019) 54069-54075. Access to television and radio decreases the probability of a farmer being in the low level of awareness by 0.312 and increases the probability of a farmer being in moderate and high levels of awareness by 0.245 and 0.066, respectively. Misuse of prescription psychotherapeutic drugs is . B. Dinham, Growing vegetables in developing countries for local urban populations and export markets: problems confronting small-scale producers, Pest Management Science, vol. Thus, the implementation of the act is not followed of late, hence the urgent need to review the safety precautions in pesticides use [11]. One hundred and fifty-four (154) maize farmers were randomly sampled from the municipality. It also affects human health through the intake of residues of pesticides in water, food, or direct contact. The margins are interpreted in relation to their signs and categories. The use of agrochemicals, particularly pesticides, has become an integral part of the Ghanaian agricultural activities, being used on cash crops, cereals, fruits, and vegetable production. 1. It was concluded and recommended that the necessity of Agrochemical for pest, disease and weed control were unavoidable in the smallholder farming business in Ghana, despite the gradual rise of inorganic fertilizer and Integrated Pest Management control products. Apart from the aforementioned, several are classified as agrochemical or agrichemical goods. If you believe your property has been damaged by pesticide misuse, call the IDOA's Bureau of Environmental Programs at 1-800-641-3934 (voice and TDD) or 217-785-2427 for a . Awareness of health implications of agrochemical use increases output by 309kg (3.09 bags) per acre. 3, pp. In the bid to control maize pests such as stem borers, armyworms, silkworm, and weevils, weeds, and maize diseases such as downy mildew, maize rust, leaf blight, and leaf spot, for improvement in productivity, maize farmers have over the years resorted to the use of agrochemicals. Once acomplaintis filed with the Department, a field investigator is assigned the case. Privacy Policy. Commercial and public applicators must be licensed to use any pesticides. The study of the chemical elements and compounds required for plant development, metabolism, and external supply is known as plant nutrition. mN x}TcyEyS!y DthKdSFa@f_2F"ZCd?/]t tkSuZ>r($ytJxm)P^pfbn*vLoj(s3)mAk2^Nm4,NbI ~FK);8^MMr(qvF"JlhKh08;E"XMh9=GBJ5('0bx \4) _uxyapM6qYDh4ba^! It is located in the northern part of the Ashanti Region. 551561, 2011. a) Agrochemicals may alter the pH of the soil. endstream endobj 116 0 obj<> endobj 118 0 obj<> endobj 119 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 120 0 obj<> endobj 121 0 obj<> endobj 122 0 obj<> endobj 123 0 obj<> endobj 124 0 obj<> endobj 125 0 obj<> endobj 126 0 obj<> endobj 127 0 obj<>stream The ability to apply the right quantity is dependent on awareness of the health implications and the physiological effect on crop output and the quality of the produce. %%EOF 3, 2012. Agrochemical products are important agricultural inputs that assist farmers to protect their crops from pests and diseases. world, partly due to illiteracy, lack of information or misinformation about how to use the products. This . The study was conducted in Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Penalties are determined through a point system defined in the Illinois Pesticide Act. Also, health implications of agrochemical use should be incorporated into our education curriculum. This agriculture article is a stub. 0000003560 00000 n The use of pesticides prevents pest attack and control of weeds which consequently increases output. J. Ajah and J. N. Nmadu, Socio-economic factors influencing the output of small-scale maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria, Journal of Social Science, vol. The general public, health care providers and hospitals all can help ensure correct use of the drugs. Plants may become spotted, curled or even die when exposed to a pesticide, often because wind has carried it from its intended area. In this study, utility is defined as the satisfaction (equivalently measured as the benefit) a farmer derives from adhering to safety precautions and recommended dosage of agrochemicals. Formal Pesticide Misuse Complaints Received & Investigated. Augmented Cobb-Douglas production function was also used to quantify how awareness of health implications of agrochemical use affects maize output. Quality here refers to the quantity of maize devoid of chaff and other pests infected grains. Selective pesticides, insecticides, soil conditioners, and other agricultural chemicals can result in brighter and larger fruits and vegetables. Other variables that were significant in output model include household size, years of education, the number of extension contacts, farm size, marital status, and quantity of pesticides applied. Plants may become spotted, curled or even die when exposed to a pesticide, often because wind has carried it from its intended area. There are some other agrochemical products besides those listed above: There are several benefits associated with agrochemicals: Your email address will not be published. Fungistat refers to a class of chemicals that do not kill fungal pathogens but temporarily limit fungus development, and fungistatis refers to the phenomenon. Usually, the regulations are carried out through the registration process. 2, pp. Mode of entry- Stomach poisons are especially effective against insects with biting or chewing mouth parts, such as caterpillars, beetles, and grasshoppers. This breakthrough was anchored on science and technology. Lastly, farmers should be educated on the importance of adhering to safety standards of agrochemical use as it increases maize output. endstream endobj 132 0 obj<>stream This document discusses emergencies which involve pesticide fires and spills. The study is expected to contribute significantly to information and knowledge on the factors that influence maize farmers awareness levels of health implications of agrochemical use. It suffocates crop growth by absorbing all minerals, water, and nutrients available to the plant. The positive relationship was in line with the a priori expectation. Use of Pesticides in Rice Cultivation.Pesticide use in some rice-producing countries is significant. It can cleanse and unify, but we ensure it contaminates and divides. The environment may be affected, chemicals may pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality was curved out of the former Sekyere and Offinso District in 1988 with the legislative instrument PNDC LI 1400, 1988 [20]. Pesticides Use in Ghana. The result implies that farmers who have access to television and radio are more aware than those without radio, ceteris paribus. d) These increase the toxicity of the soil. 5, pp. The large-scale use of agrochemicals has raised environmental and human health concerns. , , , , , , How you plan to care for your hibiscus plant, International Year of Fruits and Vegetables builds a nutritious future, CONTROL THE WEED THROUGH SOIL ACTIVE HERBICIDES. 35.40%, 32.74%, and 19.47% of respondents disposed of Agrochemical containers using Pit burial, Burn/Incinerate, and Indiscriminate methods, respectively, while 12.39% used ecological . HlTO0~_q;gOMl*hQj Keywords: effect, arable crop, farmers, agrochemical use. Exposure. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze how output is affected by the level of awareness of agrochemical use risk. Become a Distributor Fungicides 2010).High yield rice varieties grown in major rice production . (This phenomenon is widely called Fish kills) Excess chemicals lead to eutrophication. agrochemicals safely.The major risk factors related to agrochemical exposure resulted from the misuse of pesticides, including erroneous beliefs of farmers regarding pesticide toxicity, the use of faulty spraying equipment, the lack of proper maintenance of spraying equipment, or the lack of protective gear and appropriate clothing. To view EPA's new healthy lawn care practices video, visit: Healthy Lawncare Practices. Weed controls are essential for maintaining good crop output. Meanwhile, these sources of water are not free from residues of pesticides as farmers usually wash knapsack sprayers and their clothes into these water sources after spraying. The study, therefore, seeks to assess the factors that influence the farmers awareness of health implications of agrochemical use as well as the effect of the awareness on maize output. 421426, 2013. Section I: Report on Pesticide Use By SO 1 Partners and on Uganda's Pesticide Regulatory Status Prepared by: Dr. George A. Schaefers, Dr. Robert C. Hedlund, and Dr. Samuel Kyamanywa Prepared for: U.S. Agency for International Development/Uganda April 1999 Environmental Policy and Institutional Strengthening Indefinite Quantity Contract (EPIQ) 286292, 2012. The use of certain agrochemicals has been linked with environmental and ecological damages. The study finds out the total numbers of root fertilizers (N-P-K) of the noncooperative and cooperative farmers are similar, approximately 1,400 kg/ha/year higher than those in other countries. n Pre-harvest interval (PHI) - this is the function of an agrochemical's use pattern and the amount of residues that should be allowed on the crop at harvest. Many farmers do not have adequate knowledge and information on the health hazards associated with handling and use of pesticides [6]. [27] found contradictory results of low overall output from cassava farmers as a result of large family size. Various types of samples, such as plants, water or soil, may be collected for analysis. In Ghana agriculture and public health sectors remain the major contributors of pollutants into the environment. 262273, 1986. Table 3 shows the summary statistics of some of the variables describing the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents. We are at the forefront of the search for solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems, seeking to be a global force for positive change. Proper use of pesticides is important since pesticide-drift can harm susceptible vegetation, wildlife and water supplies. The attainment of formal education is very necessary for the use of agrochemicals. B. Finally, when the insured amount is higher or the relative deductible is lower, farmers are more likely to reduce fertiliser and pesticide usage and adopt GAT. Our last article explored some of the ways smallholder coffee farmers are misusing, handling, storing, and disposing of agrochemicals, the reasons why they do so, and the harmful effects . . The results indicated that 35.6% had a low level of awareness, 51.4% were moderately aware, and only 13% of the respondents had a high level of awareness (Figure 1). Level of awareness and frequency of respondents. A reality many people know exists, but one that is not getting enough attention and awareness. Agrochemicals affect maize crops directly. 7, article no. Abstract. e.g. 3, pp. It has a positive effect on output and hence meets the a priori expectation. Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in chemical leaks, chemical leaching, and chemical spills. agrochemical lixiviates, and all the nutrient leaching from agricultural land is causing the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems. The number of children in school was used as a proxy of information availability on safety use of agrochemicals to the farmer. We have worked on creating, manufacturing, and distributing agrochemicals (agricultural insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, insanitary insecticides, and soil fumigants). Syngenta was the Chinese owned worldwide leader in agrochemical sales in 2013 at approximately US$10.9billion, followed by Bayer CropScience, BASF, Dow AgroSciences, Monsanto, and then DuPont with about $3.6billion. Sunil J . Agrochemicals are usually delivered to a store by the supplier or transported by the user. The insignificant influence of income and FBO membership on farmers awareness of health implications of agrochemical use is supported by the work of [7]. A cost-benefit analysis conducted with a separate group of 26 plantain farmers identified several national markets and one export market for plantain production in the Indigenous Territories. Culturally appropriate farmer education and certification programs are needed as well as the development of safe-handling practices, regulatory infrastructure, and adequate agrochemical storage, transport, and waste disposal facilities. Infiniti has listed the five biggest challenges in the agrochemical industry in this blog. agrochemical: [noun] an agricultural chemical (such as an herbicide or an insecticide). Mattah et al. 8, United Nations University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2005. Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in spillage. The study will also provide information to policy-makers and agricultural extension officers to come out with effective training programs for farmers. Likewise, if a farmer moves from moderate to high levels of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use, his or her maize output will increase by 309kg (3.09 bags) per acre. As a result, in many countries, the use of agrochemicals has become highly regulated and government-issued permits for purchase and use of approved agrichemicals may be required. It is important to know whether farmers who are aware of health implications of agrochemical use and adhere to the safety standards are able to obtain higher or lower maize output. Antimycotics are another name for fungicides. The world fertilizer nutrient (N+P 2 O 5 +K 2 O) consumption has increased from 162 million tonnes in 2008 and is projected to reach 201 million tonnes in 2018, at annual growth rate of 1.8 . Herbicides are essential in integrated weed management systems. One hundred and fifty-four (154) maize farmers were randomly sampled from the municipality. W. H. Greene, Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, NJ, USA, 7th edition, 2008. Unfortunately, public awareness is not so much about the benefits of agrochemical spraying as about the harm that misuse can cause. 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