Arguably, kids are pretty bright these days, but you never know when it might work! lol..truth is it does happen and could happen to anyone. Sparkles1977 21/03/18. . My tech actually refused to tell me and it ruined my gender reveal party. If you have ever wondered whether it's possible to be told the wrong gender around the 20-week ultrasound, now you know! I had an early gender ultrasound that I paid for at 16 weeks, she told us boy and we were ecstatic. Ask Your Question Fast! While there's no mention of her name, this woman kept a major secret from her family. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. The 20 week ultrasound, also known as the anatomy scan, is when a sonographer uses an ultrasound machine to: Check for physical abnormalities in baby. All good, then we went for our 20 week US. An ultrasound at this gestational age will help confirm your due date, and it is part of the early risk assessment testing (ERA) for a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down syndrome. But if you've had more than 1 US, your chances decrease greatly, usually U/S techs and OBs spend most of their time looking at U/Ss so the % of them being wrong multipled by the number of U/Ss you get well you get the picture. Whether this is an old wives tale we can take to the bank, or just coincidence, I guess we'll never know! All rights reserved. Understandably, she was speechless at the turn in gender, saying, "I thought everyone was joking, I lost words and I couldn't believe it until I saw his bottom. Ask for FREE. I guess the silver lining here is that they at least had a full two weeks to re-prepare and were hopefully able to either return or sell some of the pink baby clothes. But she was thrilled when they brought him around to her to see him for the first time. Ever try to argue with any medical professional? The family has set up a webpage to tell her story and bring awareness about DBA. Thinking she already had everything figured out, she casually chatted with her doctor, until her world got turned completely and irrevocably upside down: "At 21 weeks we went in for the anatomy ultrasound at my OB's office and told the tech we already knew the gender. Gender wrong at 20 week ultrasound. Before I got pregnant, I told myself I didn't care if I had a boy or girl. 26/10/2009 15:48. Do not schedule it around work meetings or other important obligations. They were with me. You can do sneak peek as early as 8 weeks but I waited until 10 weeks. According to The Bump, ultrasounds at 20 weeks gestation are 95% accurate in determining the gender of the baby. You'd think that surely, by 24 weeks, the baby's private parts would be clear enough to determine the gender and yet, the complete opposite happened to "Kristy": "We had 2 ultrasounds - 1 at 18 and 1 at 24 weeks and the tech both times said that it was a girl. The US at 19 weeks said girl. Has this happened to anyone else before? Also it is pretty depressing when for that long we focused and planned on a girl. When I asked how certain she was, she said she was pretty sure, but that didn't give me much confidence. It was so sweet to see his heart, legs, brain, & all of his little. I'm a pretty good secret-keeper but keeping a secret as big as this one during the entire pregnancy? IE 11 is not supported. And Sometimes The Mistake Is Intentional 10 Myths We've All Heard About Pregnancy, Busted. It doesnt help that I have had all the old wives tales signs for a boy and none for a girl aside an HR in the 140s. When the doctor announced it was a boy, Danielles reaction was total disbelief, Kyle recalled. I would think this would be more likely when an ultrasound tech can't get a good look. I can still remember the excitement I felt as I lay on the bed with goo all over my just-about-to-pop pregnant belly at my 20-week ultrasound. She's DEFINITELY a girl", I lost it. Haha sorry im board hopping but just had to comment lol my parents were told i was a boy then i was born a girl lol, Yeah it's pretty common! Do you have the ultrasound pic where they told you girl? Now we have 3 boys and 2 girl. All my family thinks Im having a boy because of the NIPT test! Have gd so had to have scan at 32 weeks. I had the NIPT test done at 12.5 weeks as I had a higher chance of downs so we wanted to be able to prepare if so! . This just happened to me. We even saw where in the image the girl bits were supposed to be. We will forever ruthlessly tease my son when he's old enough to know we are joking that his penis was too small to be spotted by a doctor. The first is simple. x. Steffi_AJ at our 20 week scan were told and showed the exact same (three lines) and they labeled the image as 'gender' on the ultrasound. Its the stories of the unlucky few who serve as a great reminder that even though we have made great technological advances in the past century, we still have a long way to go. She kept asking if everyone was serious. Kyle Williams, who had been up for 24 hours during his wife's labor, still remembers the moment he first saw the baby as he looked over the drapes. Will see ob on thurs to see his thoughts. Stories of wrong ultrasounds are plentiful on baby boards, but it's this shocking tale that's truly unique. It. Arguably, this new grandmother's reaction is right up there with the 15 of the Best Grandparent Reactions to a Pregnancy Announcement. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Jes Jackson, an Australian birth photographer, snapped this incredibly candid picture of Koto Nakamura. Having already had three kids, all of which were boys, and with the last six grandchildren being born in the family having already been boys as well, this mommy decided to trick everyone into thinking the the newest addition would be another boy. the ultrasound tech said it was a boy, i recently had a boy in feb. and i was much more further along when i found he was a boy. . I was right! When second-time mom Nicole King walked into her 20-week ultrasound appointment, she sent a text message to her closest friends: "Think pink . Nope, I live in the opposite direction in NL!! Since I found out I was pregnant I've always had dreams lo was a boy well at my 20 week ultrasound I was told a girl. Getting everything ready for baby's arrival is hard enough. SHOPPING SHIFT. We all know how expensive those hospital gift stores usually are. Uh huh. The test I did was Sneak Peek clinical. Interestingly, this theory proved to be correct for me, as it did for "Kari": "At my first ultrasound, I was told I was having a boy. Chinese calendar said boy. It's hard enough to get a refund a month after a purchase, but there's definitely no returning anything once it's embroidered. It was bizarre. I knew I shouldn't care, that I should be grateful for a healthy baby. North Carolina mom Nancy Ray said she learned she was having a girl when at 18 weeks the ultrasound technician wrote on paper, "It's a girl!" The 32-year-old mom of two girls ages 1 and 3 . It said forward to yesterday I went in for my 20 week sonogram and the tech asked me if I knew what I was having..I told her boy & she said how accurate is the testing you did because it looks like a girl to me so Im kinda freaking out. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). . She and her husband had a name picked out and had painted the nursery for a boy when they found out shortly before giving birth that they actually were having a daughter. We were in the 22nd week. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. All I could say was there's a bit of a surprise.. We had a 3 D ultrasound at one of these cool little places the next day. We are super excited and happy to hear baby is healthy. I have heard of it happening before, but not recently. Percent. I'd be inclined to trust the ultrasound in this case, but NIPT will give you an accurate answer. Pregnancy - Second Trimester General Discussion. In this case, it would have been less of a surprise if they had chosen to not know the gender when they went for the ultrasound in the first place! With my first child they told me 4 times that I was having a girl so I had 2 baby showers and requested that everything be pink. All rights reserved. One week before we are to deliver we had another one just to see how big the baby was and a new ultrasound tech said that we are having a boy. Had to had follow up scan at 32 weeks - it was a boy. She came out a boy! Even though I was told it's a girl at my 19 week anatomy scan and girl again at my 22 week ultrasound, I still get scared that it's going to be a boy. The feels are strong with this one! I had a NIPT done at 12 weeks and the gender came back as boy. We were told boy at 16 weeks and then girl at 20 we didn't mind either way but I understand the shock you are feeling every picture you had painted in your mind has now changed! And when the miracle finally happens that mom and dad agree on the perfect name for their new addition, it finally feels like the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching! I'm married to my husband of 6 years and this may be all over the place. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. We had our 20 week ultrasound on November 19, 2012 and found out we're having another girl! They held off painting the nursery, however, which turned out to be a fortunate turn of events. We had our anatomy scan this week, everything looked great, but baby kept legs close together. At my 20 week ultrasound my tech took all the measurements and then quickly told us we were having a baby girl. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. This time we weren't going to find out, but DH caved and the ultrasound tech said this ones a girl. We'll see! She couldn't really tell either! Create an account or log in to participate. Waiting until you are closer to 20 weeks usually gives you an accuracy rating of over 94 percent. From the 15 Good Reasons New Parents Should Be Terrified, all the way to the 14 Things Most Parents Forget To Do Before The Baby Arrives, you then also need to worry about old wives tales. My boy's potty shot at 20 weeks was alarmingly clear, even OH and I both knew he was a boy before the midwife said so. The tech said she'd seen enough that she would've seen a penis if there was one, but she didn't quite get a clear view of girl parts. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. can occur to even to the most frugal of mommies. His name embroidered on things. But I had a harmony and that was right. Ask Your Question Fast! Poor guy was photographed in pink and flowers for a while. I went in for my ultrasound at 17 weeks and 6 days. I don't have experience, but my sister was also told girl and she had a little boy! Ask for FREE. OMG! after delivery you can say she was shocked!". All my pregnancy symptoms point to a boy and me and my husband were always so sure it was a boy. The ultrasound technician will measure the fold on the back of the fetal neck. It's one thing tohave no expectations of gender, but another entirely to be prepared for one, and have the opposite! Dare to disagree and you'll either be instantly blown off or outright told "no". A friend of mine was told girl at several scans . It's a fact that ultrasounds can be wrong up to 10% of the time. I'll be having a scan next week to check my placenta and a few other issues. Fingers crossed for bubs sake, we're having a girl! I was told girl at 20 weeks with my second (born in 2011). 6 Amazon travel essentials for your next getaway, starting at $12. Anyone been told one gender at 20 week US only to have the opposite? The 20-week ultrasound is not an in-and-out appointment, so leave yourself plenty of time. "Had my level two ultrasound today. But factors such as the position of baby, the experience of the sonographer and the quality of the machine can influence the accuracy, she noted. According to this theory, a fetal heart rate above 140 beats per minute (BPM) is likely to be a girl, while a heart rate under that threshold would indicate a boy. We asked Dr. Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at . Hi I got a NIPT test done at 12 weeks and everything came back normal & my doctor wrote down my gender and gave it to me in an envelope. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. The clinical one is when you go to a clinic and they draw your blood into a tube and ship it out. . This happened to me last pregnancy 6 years ago. She said she saw "3 lines". 15 Times Ultrasounds Lied About The Baby's Gender, Oh Boy, What A Pretty Dress You Have There. An the only sure fire way to know is either genetic testing, or when they pop out. Since then I've had a couple of dreams of a boy but the last three nights I've . When I was pregnant with DS we only had the 20 week ultrasound. I didn't tell my wife. We clearly saw three lines indicating girl and there was nothing dangling. Hi I got a NIPT test done at 12 weeks and everything came back normal & my doctor wrote down my gender and gave it to me in an envelope. Now that's some next level skills. It's definitely a boy! NIPT said girl 20wk scan said BOY. I have only been told the sex with certancy once at 20 weeks. congratulations :) hope you havent gone overboard on pink! No doubt, you've heard of the time-honored adage that a "mother's intuition is never wrong"? There they told us it was a girl. "It's a girl!," the sonographer said. Ha I was told girl at 20 weeks and delivered a boy at 39w4d :), Will appreciate I have been told girl but I am not convinced, Omg! This 20-week scan, posted by forum user SW2, shows a boy. Anyone else feeling like this? It said forward to yesterday I went in for my 20 . Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an optional blood test you can do in your first trimester (anytime after week 10) that looks for chromosomal abnormalities in baby, like Down syndrome, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13. My OB suggesting paying for a 3d if i wanted to know for sure. What do you guys think? And for what it's worth, my son was the 8th wrong gender by ultrasound that week born in that hospital alone.". I wonder what the false positive rate is on sneak peek? My first thought was 'Very funny doc'. Has anyone had any inaccuracies with NIPT testing? January 2012. first off, i'm 22 weeks pregnant and sounds like all is well and the babes is healthy! She was still a she lol. Eileen's story serves as a great reminder that sometimes mothers "just know": "OMG. we also wanted to find out the gender tech said last week that our babes wasn't fully cooperating but it looks like a girl OR the boy could just have a very small penis (my husband took offfense to that hahah) so today, i went to my 2nd ultrasound to finish up the measurements and the tech also said it looked like a girl, paused, and then said that she can't be "100%sure" cuz again apparently the babes wasn't cooperating and that the cord was in between its legs. Strive to provide you with a high quality community experience big as this one during the entire pregnancy direction. About the baby 's arrival is hard enough gender came back as boy accurate! We 're having a scan next week to check my placenta and a few other issues we take... Not an in-and-out appointment, so leave yourself plenty of time i lost it when you go a! 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