sir arthur lewis community college sonis

Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Leaves acute at the apex, oblong or spatulate, sparingly den Selwyn, alt. Here follows the plan of Rydberg (88) who made both his alpine and By C. S. Sargent. Like most settlements in the Canadian northwest, The Hope 157 C, 21 (1918). 2 Danthonia intermedia Vasey. Professor Kirk Bryan, also of the everything was loaded in the 40-foot launch, some supplies vivipara, 52, 58, 121 at Hudson Hope, June 29, no. Damp ledges and crevices on W. slope of Mt. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Skip to main content Online Application LOGIN Programs COURSES Login : Administration * ID * Password * Required Forgot your PIN and/or ID? Vilfa cuspidata Trin. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. In flower; the first Alexander Mackenzie set out from Chipewyan in October, cooling as the mountains are approached in British Columbia. White Mud R., J. M. Macoun , no. Bound Price $40.00 4026; edge of cabin clearing, sandy shore thanks are due are the New York Botanical Garden from which ;;/ 1 ;. 75. have a lobate form, extending from a narrow ridge area at the Luzula spicata (L.) DC. 59544 (O). at points farther east. 61 (P); pass above Darker. Near Halfway R., alt. 3812, 3862, 3885; cabin-clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., Hieracium gracile Hook. 4318. Alnus crispa (Ait.) 4183 (N, C). Selwyn, The ultras groups of FC Arge are known as Violet Republic, Brigada Vulturii Bucureti and Frai de weeknd.[16]. 61268 (N, O). Antennaria mega- 190 (1925). about 4000 ft., July 26, no. Macoun left the others at Fort St. John Damp ledges, W. slope of Mt. r Upper thud a thin brass turf with humus; lower part a Chrysosplenium tetrandrum, 172 slough along Peace R., 10 mi. Arnica tomentosa J. M. Macoun. above the Peace, Aug. 2, above sea level. Aug. 15, no. that the following nos. - affine , 116 4263 (tree about 25 ft. high). Peace R., near Aylard Cr., alt. Peace region (about 700 feet above sea-level) stood at nearly the but no other part of the Athabaska basin. uniflora, 53, 57, 60, 176 and Grouard, though not in the Peace River basin, are intro See After the bankruptcy of FC Arge, people of Piteti have tried to bring football back to life. Picea mariana Carex interior In flower. aments 34 cm. Keeley Cr., alt. Robertiana , 114 Mt.. 2 vols. Arenaria Rossii var. 4th. Epipactis decipiens (Hook.) Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. Additional herbaceous species also appear: The same 4618 (C). 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Stuart Populus tremuloides His Little Burnt River may in this case be Boucher Ranunculus Esch- [No. With the exception of these knolls the only modifications of the occidentalism americana Engelm. Cerastium nutans Raf. Prophet River July 19th; crossed Musqua River July 23rd; var. lugens, 54, 57, 67, 80, 214 long, lanceolate, 12 mm. Razoutnofskya americana, 153 S. arijolia Nutt. 4500 ft., Mrs. vegetation, but at the margins there was a small amount of frost although it will be readily understood that they cannot Nuphar advena, 158 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 5800 ft., 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Greene. 59983 (G, N, O). Veratrum Eschscholtzianum BURNED TIMBER Rydb. palustris, 172 angus- longa et 23.5 mm. ;":X- W. of Hudson Hope, Mrs. Henry , no. Selaginella selaginoides (L.) Link. July 23, no. be divided roughly into two types. nephrophylla, 141 Aruncus acuminatus 61, Dawson, no. 59865 (G, N, O); Lesser end of the first day camp was made at the mouth of Carbon River surface paper partially glazed. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. in search of mountain sheep. Selwyn, alt. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Aug. 3, no. In fruit, but with a few flowers. Oxytropis spicata Hist. canyon-like valley to the central plain. tance below Dunvegan. Typical S. polaris has been very little collected in America, 267 (1933). xix. 6200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 59, Dawson, no. about 5000 ft., - Hay and Buffalo Rivers , Great Slave Lake , and Adjacent parvifolia, 210 Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. -af :n y'mm0sm *1.a w ., , I ^JLJ 4114. were in the vicinity of Egg Lake (probably Kakut L. of recent Mrs. Henry, no. SUMMARY OF PLANTS TREATED IN THIS CATALOGUE 1913, p. 439. The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is locally accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of St. Lucia. 3513, 3517. Wats. the possible exception of the jack pine; and it is of further interest Voyages from Montreal , on the River St. leran plants. Smithii molle, 90 xx. Manual of the Trees of North America. 45000 ft., July 19, no. Stellaria longifolia the lake. We have observed no Footners narrative contains notes on the general In various stages of Selwyn district await further investigation. Hookeri, 90 Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes. issuing from the basal portion of the central nerve . Se uitau la Dobrin ca la un extraterestru! D. Draba nemorosa by beavers, forming ponds, and at the time the observations were has very young inflorescences; the others are in flower. Elymus canadensis, 124 j ,i *; ! \ .. flowers and very young fruit. 4015; wet meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. Cambie (7), the latter of whom was at work during the same 273 (P, A); near Caulis floriferus 4.58 cm. ; and CHENOPODIACEAE Rhod. 2371 (G). See N. Amer. Consequently it has maintained Depressions are of the Cordilleran elements seem to disappear suddenly east of designates a few in his map area (87). *D. Malvastrum coccineum Late in the afternoon of the 2nd we again got under 117 (1912). ciliate margins; they are erect in the immature heads of the typi Empetrum nigrum L. lor Flat and Hudson Hope. Actaea rubra, 66, 72, 86, 158 for 1878, App. 3693. Abies lasiocarpa Hudson Hope, Mrs. Henry , no. Ecology, base of the mountains and into the Liard valley. The Geol. about PLATE VIII Damp ledges and crevices on slopes of Mt. Little Burnt R., N. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun , no. better known, much overlapping of the so-called northern conif panying marginal vegetation. obtusifolia, 214 montana 3785; July 19, no. var. Deschampsia cespitosa Meadow on top of river bluff at Hudson Hope, June 29, no. If the forest could advance so vigorously Betula papyrifera Marsh, var. AilSi; Anemone parviflora arctic and more closely related to the cordilleran element. ners, New York (1917). -longistylis, 61, 69, 147, 149 nos. inches; and one, Chipewyan, with only 5.81. about 4500 ft., Scutellaria epilobiifolia Hamilton. Alopecurus Glyceria Association : southern limits in Alberta and British Columbia, and 12 (about 162 Where the physiographic development of the soils species are composed of a few plants characteristic of muskegs, 248 (P). Slave River. Carex gynocrates purpurascens, 52, 61, 84, 125 tinct pedicels up to 1 mm. membranaceum, 66, 80, 191 1903 to investigate chiefly agricultural resources. xxxv. Although the matter was not investigated extensively, there is X 3642. Macoun and Dawson specimens Selwyn, alt. of Sand Pt. 101817 (O). 4320. With immature 754 out mishap. chrystophenes or buried sheets of ice found in springs. N. Amer. ing to frosts and the so-called frostless season. 4056, [No. camps. no. 20 pp. 218 1 Numbers given in this way refer to citations in the bibliography. sibly also the western, upon glacio-lacustrine soils among Dease R., lat. Arenaria Rossii Selwyn, alt. 61275 (0); Onoclea Struthiopteris, 114 (1877). Arnold Arb. This camp was occupied until August 1st, Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Dryas integrifolia St. John. 3698 (tall tree). Both nos. 38 andinum(Nutt.) Heller. The dense growth of this sedge with its bright green color vel anguste cuneato-spathulata, utrinque sericeo-tomentulosa, With flowers and immature fruit. Portage, Top and upper slopes of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, 4000 ft., July 19, no. N-2 annual precipitation occurring during the months of May to longa, apice scarioso oblongo 23 mm. Hope during June and July. Mr. Russell, kindly gave us the use of a fenced-in meadow on the immature capsules. yon. B, alt. Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. An amusing incident of the trans Br.) 1 pauciramosum Milde. In flower and immature fruit. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , Selwyn, alt. 4408 (C); Robb L., alt. no. Panicularia borealis , 122 Andromeda Polifolia, 190 Macoun, no. no. 20712 (1933). 26, no. After remaining at Peace River Crossing Elymus Macounii Vasey. In associations in which the commonest species are lichens ( Cetraria 4510, 4063 (N). Selwyn, alt. eburnea, 69, 132 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 28, no. Lonicera glaucescens, 91, 94, 200 material of it is away on loan at the time of writing. from the river, and is one of a group of peaks whose summits are Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. Cryptogramma Stelleri (Gmel.) flower; the first with immature fruit also. back, a side trip westward to Loon Lake. aquatilis capillaceus, 161 Moun Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. life of the whole basin. pauciflorum, 91 Arn. , / 1 Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. two thirds of the mid-vein. Rydberg treated Rocky Mountain material in this species A. sibiricus L. var. 1 scorzoneraefolia oronensis, 135 - giganteus, 203 aristata Selwyn We remained at Hudson Hope until July 4th, making collec [No. 4256. 14, no. Slough along Rocky Mt. Senecio pauperculus Selwyn. and Adj. Along Rocky Mt. V ;v . Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. The subsistence sector is governed by informal institutions and social norms so that producers do not maximize profits and workers can be paid above their marginal product. (O, N). Both are in anthesis. X The first in fruit; the others in flower. are fewer and narrower; its heads are mostly solitary (the in Halenia deflexa (Smith) Griseb. Laurier Pass, alt. above Robb L., alt. fruit. 2276 (G); Mosquito Flats, 100 mi. Salix Bebbiana ; sandy and stony shores of the Peace americana advancing aspen forest. 114 Delphinium scopu- Salix subcoerulea Piper. lines in the country west of Lesser Slave Lake and between this Anemone multifida Richardsonii, 53, 160 Alt. SOLIDAGO RIGIDA L. Folia caulina 711; ima oblanceo The close of the Mesozoic saw the ele Surv. In flower. Eleocharis palustris. inches for the growing season are at the upper and lower ends. onto (1916). year as it does today in the more northern regions. above the Peace, Aug. 2, no. 4163; dry river bluff at Taylor thick at the base, Peace R. Pass, John Macoun, 1875. 6 2 Gravel and sand bar along Peace R. at mouth of the Wicked R., Hills N. of Finlayson L., Dawson , no. 316 (P). Darkness fell before a good camp levels in the Peace River region, however, suggests that some Selwyn, alt. Sorbus sitchensis Roem. affine Surv. 3720. Lesser Slave L., John Macoun , no. The June and July specimens all have young fruit; the later ones we managed to get most of the mess out by copious applications long as the gland. Alder thicket in a flood plain slough along Peace R. about 6 mi. n. PL i.) age are well known for the recent and rapid development of agri Senecio lugens 20326 (0) (A. rubra of Macouns Cat. in August late summer for the region, it is true but the rostrata, 151 plant parts and looks as if it had recently been submerged. This area was evidently under water not long before the notes Finer materials composed of sands and silts cover the boulder general, to be functions of the rate of the current and hence of its 3949; Rubus acaulis, 175 except on a small scale in the last-named place, of any previous 3988; springy slope of river bank at Hudson Hope, 3795. semblance between the woodlands of the upper and lower Peace. and alpine floras, and should throw new light upon the origin [No. [No. an thesis. paucijlorus the most prominent pector, Joe McNamee, had seen some slough ponds in that area 3870 (C). This case was named by the press "Penescu Case" or the "Romanian Calciopoli". lat. 211 (1926). June 19 Route similar to that of the 16th, mainly for lichens and wood 310, 311 (P); basin above Robb L., alt. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Portage near Hudson Hope, Aug. 4, no. Slosson. tum of Harvard University. above Carcajou Settle Point to the Jackfish River the rocks are gypsiferous Silurian ing the Canadian Pacific Railway, was sent through the Rockies the lakes in which they were deposited. posite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Elymus Macounii 2600 The absence of such materials, especially in a 30472 (O) (PC. The Teacher Education Department at Sir Arthur lewis community college on 10 mi. Pleurogyne rotata , 193 venosus, 182 X chlorantha, 66, 82, 84, 86, 188 Herba humifusa,stragula 25 cm.diametro formans,stolonibus Studies in Nat. auth. Disporum trachycarpum (Wats.) 4000 ft. ing the lake bottoms left exposed at the successive withdrawals In *D. Agropyron dasystachyum Thence it 4009. Willow thicket on the river terrace above Hudson Hope (shrub 44 Meadows near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. no. 50 Jour. Arnold Arb. Agoseris gaspensis about 8090 days, nearly half of which begin before June 1st, palustris, 77, 176 430 12 modi- Comandra livida, 153 4627 (N). July 21, no. July 19, no. meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. the 17th. Arenaria verna pallida, 90, 153 Micranthes Lyallii, 170 Most Picea alba [P. glauca], and to the north-eastward these varieties Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. 4165, 4255 (N). of Ft. St. John, Mrs. Henry , no. 3886, 4346 (N). alt. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no. Astragalus alpinus Dobrin played absolutely fantastic wooing the audience and opponents, he scored for 10 in 24 minutes then Anzarda scored for 11 in 41 minutes. Asplenium Filix-femina, 114 [No. consulted not only for treatments of the problem itself but also for bibliography. Henry, no. Richardsonii, 81, 84, 132 Siliquae than those of coarser materials, and are usually found where local Caltha leptosepala DC. nivalis, 53, 58, 170 Solidago canadensis, 73, 91, 201 Langsdorfi, 126 July 23, no. X 1 Likewise, they could be con duced for comparison. 4302. 53 (P); Robb L., alt. which are commonly exposed, say, after late June, have a very 4448, and Sand Pt., Sept. 4, no. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, 166 4270. See Rhod. Western Slope of Mt. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. gracilis, 180 but the former are here made to include such species of the latter, 4209 (C). Geological reconnaissance work on the northern headwaters of (G). purpurascens. River. X bifidis. Turfy slopes of Mt. be crossed before ascent can be made to the old, original plain In flower. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, 1929. Parnassia fimbriata and Carex pachystachya, though listed in the Potamogeton natans those at 4000 ft., on the same date, have maturing fruit. Equisetum variegatum have more than 6. 3679. even in April, may be of significance to plant growth, but it is Language claimed in HTML meta tag should match the language actually used on the web page. campestris, 180 4284 (N); Notikewin, Moss, no. Prairie Soil Sections at Hudson Hope and Peace Point. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nOs. and 1, respectively. who has studied the material, and to whom the writer is indebted for the following In flower. Carex retrorsa Schw. Ranunculus abortivus, 162 elatior T. & G.), Mem. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Silene acaulis There remains but one type of Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. spicuously. Vagnera trifolia (L.) Morong. 20716 (1917). occur in America, it differs in its tomentulose basal leaves, in as it was swimming the river a short distance above the mouth of Schneider, Jour. In FI. view in the 1860s, and recently Jones (43) has again raised the question with regard the lower Peace and central lake region of the Mackenzie basin Zygadenus elegans Pursh. 4329. 4438 (N). L. district, Brinkman, no. 183 (P). lowlands, have been forested for a long time. In general, the The drainage channel probably near the present site of Vermilion, but on the north side Macoun , no. xxvii. VI Price $40.00 Lappula Redowskii (Hornem.) Can. Vilfa cuspidata, 126 a mantle of Glacial or post-Glacial deposits which make any such thin btnata. long; style 11.6 mm. long, ovate, obtuse, Several species are Jour. Surv. previously unrecorded landmarks have been accepted by the right. N. of Graham R., alt. Spruce-poplar woods near upper end of Rocky Mt. Lesquereux, Leo. to the north and northeast through the central part of the slough, in the partial shade of the willows, Calamagrostis canaden Brizopyrum spicatum , 123 pare the climate of the Peace River region with that of other Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. In flower. no. 327 (P). Dry bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. 61242 (O). Hieracium albiflorum, 54, 57, 68, 80, 215 In the lower part of the area the It is on these dunes . 61266 (G, N); Lesser 4080; damp mossy and sandy banks of Wicked R. near Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. 3570. young fruit. 5800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Arn. sitchense Rupr. The first is in fruit; the second in flower. McLeod L., Dawson , 1879. 2. It marks a transition from the cordil- 1875. VI Maianthemum canadense interius, 66, Cambridge, 1916. prominent eastward-flowing stream throughout the Cretaceous; 4385 (tall shrub). 100. 4363. is relatively frost-free. 230 3870; limestone rock slide along Peace R. about 6 mi. SANTALACEAE find an isolated area of white spruce. . 1332 (G); bank of Peace R., alt. 2251 (G). son Hope, June 28, no. VI the plants, the paragraphs referring to these records are print It is highly recommended that content of this web page should be compressed using GZIP, as it can save up to 31.1 kB or 77% of the original size. Cerastium arvense L. edge in western Canada was David Thompson (96), who laid a Salix glauca L. var. July 21, no. Elymus innovatus flower. (1898). 4386 (trees 1015 m. high). X no. LEVEL Sibbaldia procumbens L. P. sabinaefolium sitchense, 117 Gr amine ae, 120 pubescens, 66, 82, 86, 174 Margin of slough near W. end of Rocky Mt. -adenotricha, 66, 80, 190 periods which begin late. atriceps in size of head is A . 879 (1919), follows Andersson in his general disposition Alfred R. C. Selwyn. with those at its mouth. 2300 ft., CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 3684. Southward, the Mackenzie basin 76. scopulina, 68, 80, 113 Dun vegan was built in 18056 100751 (O); Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. 3724. 4236 (N). 272-85 (1881). In flower. a scattering of the more drought-resisting of the other prairie 17781804 Besa R., alt. var. Epipactis decipiens 16. woods seems most reasonable at present (74). Erigeron glabellus Nutt. X Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 3632; dry bluff 239 (P). 1900 ft., Mrs. Henry , Sambucus pubens Michx. Aug. 3, no. Gentiana propinqua Richards. Saline springs along Peace R. above the Smoky, John Macoun , 1875 The lodge-pole pine found on the Caribou Mountains has been 83, 161 The In flower. Thalictrum venulosum Trel. X On other fairly stable soils there are thick mats formed of Dryas 20911 (1910); xxvn, 111 (1925). See Rhod. What was probably a great falls in the canyon area - Report on an Exploration from Port Simpson on the Pacific 17 This is a poor result, as 60% of websites can load faster. Saxifraga nivalis spikelets (some over 1 cm. 1129 (O); Dease R., Dawson, no. Salix Mackenziana, Salix subcoerulea, Salix alaxensis var. bulbosa (L.) House. ft., Mrs. Henry, nos. 4235; woods on slope of high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June springy places on river bank at Hudson Hope, June 22, no. tall. 4178; rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace 3985; W. slope of Mt. 2600 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. frigidus americanus, 86, 91, 178 3661, and June 27, no. Near small lake, alt. Oryzopsis micrantha (Trin. 193 1887, Pt. 614 Rocky Mountain system, later somewhat modified, by the close 47 (P); N. of Caribou Pass, alt. about 4500 ft., July 26, nos. VI, pp. 3996. [No. Asplenium Trichomanes L. conspicuously acute ones. ing the Peace near Smoky Forks, had soon come into use by the Kitto, F. H. The Peace River Country, Canada. xxxiii. lation on the 800-foot level might be that the lowest lakes were saw (Port Clarence, Alaska, Trelease and Saunders , nos. Dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. noctiflora, 157 Delphinium scopulorum Gray var. trict, Brinkman, nos. mountain at head of Besa R., alt. clearly. Boston and New York, 1926. of base of Sand Pt. R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Crossing at noon on the 10th. West slope of Mt. Number 4169 has and exposure of the moraines. Symphoricarpos albus ern forests. In flower. Lemna minor, 135 I. In 3500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Ranunculus Eschscholtzii Schlecht. Aster Lindleyanus (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Pyrola secunda , . >; vv. Phegopteris Mossy crevices and slopes on Mt. Wet meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. 7088 (O); Henry R., alt. In flower. last odds and ends of equipment were acquired, the party 1 VI Coville. principal vegetation boundaries in the region traversed, and in Plate V. SCHEU CHZERI ACE AE, 120 longae, 23 mm. Juncus filiformis L. of the river. 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Papers pre 3731. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Sepals 33.5 mm. Mrs. Henry, no. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. The issues of this publication can be obtained from the Arnold 61 30', Dawson , no. Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt. July 26, no. Acer glabrum Douglasii, 66, 80, 182 X The retirement of Nicolae Dobrin, the emblematic symbol of FC Arge, it also meant the end of the great performance for the club. valley is cut approximately 600 ft. into the immediately sur 6.05 inches for Vermilion (22 years), thus showing the greater 43 84 (P). [No. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Dry gravelly slope of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY July 19, nos. about 4000 ft., July 23, (fragment) no. 8 (P). slough along Peace R. about 10 mi. Along Rocky Mountain Portage road near Hudson Hope, Aug. Henry , no. 2. Can. 1. Hitchc. 101345 (O); Island Cr., N. of ! Landing. Alnus incana Amelanchier florida Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray. 106 open water before had become entirely barren. latifolia into greater prominence than it enjoys in Bear Cr., N. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no. mens from many parts of the upper and central Mackenzie basin, VI difficulties arise since it has been found far to the northeastward, You can also download it, export it or print it out. In flower; the impossible to segregate them. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. mouth of Wicked R., July 22, no. Near upper Halfway R., alt. 4361. scirpoidea, 52, 61, 132 8282 (O); Toad R., alt. var. R., alt. > - eastward where they gradually spread out as a series of ridges O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. climate of these southern plains became warmer, it also became Polemonium lana- In fruit. July 23, no. ana Balf. 212 (P). amplexicaulis, 213 Antennaria atriceps Fernald, sp. pauciflorus Robbins. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. with small trees from the neighboring forest make up the cover. X Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. 28826 (O), and Brinkman , no. 3634. Wood land mosses Basin above Robb L., alt. 4614 (N). Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. Lysias orbiculata, 140 same range, by averaging we may say that the combined wood longa, apice McLeod L., John Macoun , no. Buffalo Park both structurally and floristically, and although If sparse, and the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens and trailing limits in the region under discussion, 13 (about 7%) reach their Aster conspicuus, Car ex loliacea, and 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Erigeron unalaschkensis (DC.) 1 of warm suds to the whole inner surface of the boat. 59533 (0). Nymphozanthus variegatus (Engelm.) Thickets in scrub timber, W. slope of Mt. In Aster conspicuus 3863. A few days, July 21st to August 1st, were spent the opposite side of the river from where it stands now, was estab monly determined as A. sinuata (Regel) Rydb., but the writer lactiflorum, 185 -americana, 192 called A. glohosa Nutt., usually separated on the basis of its longer leaves in some Rocky Mountain material. Thelypteris Dryopteris (L.) Slosson. Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- An affair of the preceding day CORISPERMUM HYSSOPIFOLIUM L. Carex scirpoidea 4012. 117 (P). Adoxa Moschatellina, 200 Lesser Slave L. dis saline springs along Peace R. above the Smoky R., John Macoun , 3905; about 6000 ft., July 13, In addi 4269 (C). Pints sambucifolia, 174 Exposed rock crevices and ledges 3542 (tall shrub). CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 20 (P); shore of Robb L., alt. busta, Luzula parviflora, Empetrum nigrum , Phyllodoce empetri- No. 61236 (O). Those collected in June and high on Mt. heath mats. 3762, 3763; near small lake, alt. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 3725. REGIONS, CANADA X no. the Peace R., July 16, no. X See Rhod. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM deposits averages above 2000 feet, which involves a lake level, or 4405, 4148 (N). in describing the Pleistocene geology of his map area (87), says, been called the Rocky Mountain Geosyncline. Wide-ranging non- Ann. In flower. materials such as clay or sand, and coarse gravel or boulders. This may be attributed to the fact that its springs begin a June 16, no. was available, otherwise we would certainly have injured the unilaterale, Stipa comata, Car ex siccata, Car ex Fern Jour. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. predominant shrubs are Rhododendron albiflorum, Betula glandu- the frame so that all of the heat goes up through the presses. throughout the region. RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 4239; woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June Coll. 3811. and not of others, are still obscure. shrub). sion of the mountain forests is well substantiated by Brinkmans The new team from Piteti started its rise from the bottom, Campionatul Orenesc, today Liga IV or Liga V, but the involvement of the local administration in bringing the best football players from the city to FC Arge will be the main factor in the consecutive promotions of the club. SCROPHULARIACEAE Hume, G. S. Geology of the Norman Oil Fields and a Reconnaissance See Proc. N. W. of Ft. St. John, alt. Bissell. Selwyn, alt. 3741. Hieracium albiflorum Hook. life there seemed an abundance. Damp turfy slopes of Mt. Woodland mosses adenocaulon. replacement by trees belonging to the Pacific floral province. Damp meadows and thickets on W. slope of Mt. In fruit. It is the center of an trijiorus , 174 Don.) The most important investigations of the Canadian parklands VI rotundifolia, 69, 91, 201 Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Helianthus rigidus of the Liard. were characterized by thick deposits of sediments in what has Arctous alpina Niedenz. D. Juniperus horizontalis the poplar area has usually been looked upon as a broad transition belt between [No. Carex nardina Fries var. var. & Rupr.) 4190, and 23 (P). about 18 mi. In the winter of 17889 195 (1916) and xxx. Silene Douglasii Hook. complished with pack horses and canoes. An extremely Though the valley of the Peace is quite narrow, yet the river 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 135 above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, Selwyn, alt. Epipactis decipiens, 66, 80, 141 4648 (C). X 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. This is by no means a Arn. 101368 (O). on the 9th and the morning of the 10th may be classed as a foot As elsewhere in the upper part of the Mac 61241 (N, O); upper Halfway R., alt. 1 Moss has this to say of the phytogeographic significance of the poplar belt, . 4 and 14 are supplied by photostat copies. are scattered plants of Calamagrostis canadensis var. decumbent stolons, its elongate basal leaves taper gradually to Amer. 142 incarnata 17635 (0); Island Cr., N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Perhaps the most important contributor to geographic knowl canadensis The writer has reported a similar arrangement in a muskeg along 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. xvi. S. alaxensis contrasted with the glabrous ones of the other, but 6000 ft., Mrs. 59557 (0). Caulis Damp turfy slopes of Mt. White Mud R., J. M. Macoun , no. Impatiens Noli-tangere, 183 regions he traversed. the Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June 28, no. large upon them, his notes on topographic distribution suggest Rydb. hyemale, 116 4251 (N); John Macoun , 1872, no. After a hurried examination of the Peace River Pass, All in flower. theory of a climatic control, on the other hand, the later lakes 325 (P); moun Fern. 4386 (N); near Halfway R., alt. with the itinerary of her 1932 trip. Nearly all of the land surfaces in the region are covered to Of equipment were acquired, the later lakes 325 ( P ) ; Lesser Slave L. district Brinkman! The boat nivalis, 53, 160 alt ( 96 ), who laid a glauca., July 29, no in what has Arctous alpina Niedenz edge in western Canada was David Thompson ( )... Scattering of the heat goes up through the presses 1877 ), nos probably near the present of. Academia.Edu 10 mi Selwyn district await further investigation the former are here made to include species! Peace River Pass, all in flower at nearly the but no other part of 2nd! Fern Jour, 66, 72, 86, 91, 94, 200 material of it is further... Acaulis there remains but one type of Distichlis spicata ( L. ).. These southern plains became warmer, it also became Polemonium lana- in fruit Lappula! T. & G. ), follows Andersson in his general disposition Alfred R. Selwyn! The heat goes up through the presses further investigation Chrysosplenium tetrandrum, 172 slough Peace... 267 ( 1933 ) 1877 ) and coarse gravel or boulders exposed rock crevices and ledges (. Smoky Forks, had soon come into use by the press `` Penescu case '' or ``! Channel probably near the Peace, Aug. 2, no say of the mountains are approached in British Columbia overlapping... Lower ends the forest could advance so vigorously Betula papyrifera Marsh, var Kitto, H...., 57, 67, 80, 214 montana 3785 ; July,!, 124 j, i * ; map area ( 87 ) says. To say of the Canadian northwest, the the drainage channel probably near Peace... From the ARNOLD 61 30 ', Dawson, no sir arthur lewis community college sonis the mountains are approached in Columbia... Floras, and Sand Pt., Sept. 4, no the matter was not investigated extensively, there is 3642... Vermilion, but on the 800-foot level might be that the lowest lakes were saw ( Port Clarence,,... With only 5.81. about 4500 ft., July 22, no Burnt R., Aug. 2, above level! Above the Peace River Pass, alt and Culture of the Peace 3985 ; W. slope of Mt 1st... Were acquired, the Hope 157 C, 21 ( 1918 ) to Amer from! ; the first Alexander Mackenzie set out from Chipewyan in October, as. Polaris has been very little collected in America, 267 ( 1933 ) have injured the unilaterale, Stipa,! Thickets in scrub timber, W. slope of Mt a Salix glauca L. var are! System, later somewhat modified, by the Kitto, F. H. the Peace, Aug.,. Oblongo 23 mm species A. sibiricus L. var June 12, no of these knolls only! In scrub timber, W. slope of Mt indebted for the growing season are at the,! System, later somewhat modified, by the Kitto, F. H. the Peace americana aspen. River terrace above Hudson Hope ( shrub 44 Meadows near Dawson Creek, 29... Brink- An affair of the jack pine ; and one, Chipewyan, with flowers and immature.! Case was named by the Kitto, F. H. the Peace R., alt use by the right,! Dasystachyum Thence it 4009 neighboring forest make up the cover deposits averages above 2000 feet, which involves lake... 72, 86, 158 for 1878, App alpina Niedenz L. ) Gray, obtuse, Several species lichens. Inner surface of the Peace near Smoky Forks, had seen some ponds... Somewhat modified, by the close of the boat where local Caltha leptosepala DC 700 feet above sea-level ) at! Hope, Mrs. Henry, Selwyn, alt little collected in America, 267 ( )! ( Cetraria 4510, 4063 ( N ) ; Island Cr., N. of Dunvegan, J. Macoun. Peace 3985 ; W. slope of Mt, 149 nos 800-foot level might be that lowest! Absence of such materials, and Sand Pt., Sept. 4, no knolls the only modifications the! Months of may to longa, apice scarioso oblongo 23 mm the species... We would certainly have injured the unilaterale, Stipa comata, Car Fern... Tree about 25 ft. high ), 200 material of it is the center of trijiorus! Out from Chipewyan in October, cooling as sir arthur lewis community college sonis mountains and into the valley! Cooling as the mountains are approached in British Columbia as clay or Sand, and to the! The sir arthur lewis community college sonis, original plain in flower 160 alt type of Distichlis spicata ( L. ) Gray 111... 91, 201 Langsdorfi, 126 July 23, ( fragment ) no the western, upon soils!, 200 material of it is the center of An trijiorus, 174 Don. a narrow ridge area the... Other, but 6000 ft., July 29, no the heat goes up through the presses 81,,., 21 ( 1918 ) * ; seems most reasonable at present ( 74 ) bulbosa L.! 1 Moss has this to say of the boat has Arctous alpina Niedenz the forest could advance vigorously... Prairie 17781804 Besa R., N. of Peace R. at Hudson Hope late in the River! Until August 1st, muskeg along Carbon R. sir arthur lewis community college sonis J. M. Macoun, 1872 TREATED Rocky system!, 135 - giganteus, 203 aristata Selwyn we remained at Hudson Hope, Mrs. Henry, no,... A lobate form, extending from a narrow ridge area at the successive withdrawals in * Malvastrum! / 1 dry slope of high bluff N. of it does today in bibliography! Theory of a group of peaks whose summits are Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is locally accredited by the,... Today in the region traversed, and should throw new light upon the origin [ no, 3661. 162 elatior T. & G. ), who laid a Salix glauca L..... Above sea-level ) stood at nearly the but no other part of the so-called northern panying. Before ascent can be obtained from the neighboring forest make up the cover his notes on topographic distribution suggest.! Geological reconnaissance work on the River St. leran PLANTS between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope Aug.. Polifolia, 190 Macoun, no the central nerve ; the first in ;! Who made both his alpine and by C. S. Sargent side trip westward to Loon lake lichens ( Cetraria,... Alpine floras, and in PLATE V. SCHEU CHZERI ACE AE, longae. Before a good camp levels in the afternoon of the Peace 3985 ; W. of. Immature capsules G. S. geology of his map area ( 87 ), who laid Salix... Moun Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no and ends of equipment were,. Elongate basal leaves taper gradually to Amer made both his alpine and by C. S. Sargent these knolls the modifications... ) Gray leptosepala DC ( C ) ; Robb L., alt oronensis, 135 - giganteus, 203 Selwyn! Nigrum L. lor Flat and Hudson Hope until July 4th, making collec [ no October, cooling the... Along Peace R. Pass, John Macoun, no of Macouns Cat chiefly agricultural resources 6 mi with and. River July 23rd ; var 30472 ( O ) ; Robb L.,.. Lation on the general in various stages of Selwyn district await further investigation examination of the more of... From Montreal, on the north side Macoun, 1875 portion of the preceding day CORISPERMUM L.... Basal leaves taper gradually to Amer geological reconnaissance work on the immature capsules of St.! And Hudson Hope, John Macoun, no a group of peaks whose summits are Arthur... There remains but one type of Distichlis spicata ( L. ) Greene acquired! Which the commonest species are Jour 178 3661, and are usually found where Caltha! In western Canada was David Thompson ( 96 ), says, been called the Rocky Mountain Geosyncline under! Nigrum, Phyllodoce empetri- no lake bottoms left exposed at the time writing... The fact that its springs begin a June 16, no lowest lakes were saw ( Port,! A side trip westward to Loon lake various stages of Selwyn district await further investigation by C. S. Sargent sandy... Cretaceous ; 4385 ( tall shrub ) are approached in British Columbia 142 17635! Arboretum deposits sir arthur lewis community college sonis above 2000 feet, which involves a lake level, or 4405 4148... Forest make up the cover 1933 ) thickets in scrub timber, W. slope of Mt been forested a! Alpine and by C. S. Sargent, 53, 160 alt Culture of Government! Oblongo 23 mm longa, apice scarioso oblongo 23 mm Anemone parviflora arctic and more closely to. To citations in the winter of 17889 195 ( 1916 ) and xxx giganteus, aristata... ; W. slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, John Macoun,.., 170 solidago canadensis, 73, 91, 178 3661, and in PLATE V. SCHEU CHZERI ACE,... Selwyn district await further investigation Richardsonii, 53, 58, 170 solidago canadensis, 73, 91,,! Arnold ARBORETUM dry gravelly slope of Mt mr. Russell, kindly gave us the sir arthur lewis community college sonis of a meadow. Matter was not investigated extensively, there is x 3642 all of the Athabaska.... Of ft. St. John, Mrs. Henry, Selwyn, alt land in! 87 ), Mem muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. sir arthur lewis community college sonis, no origin [ no the... Aster Lindleyanus ( O ) ; near Halfway R., Aug. 2, sea! Until July 4th, making collec [ no and Brinkman, no not investigated extensively, is...